Other projects and completed projects
Centropa partner seminar in Kyiv
From 31 January to 2 February 2025, a seminar hosted by our partners from Centropa, titled Using Centropa Materials in Ukrainian Schools, took place in Kyiv. The seminar was attended by history teachers from all over Ukraine, many of whom are graduates of our programmes. Olga Limonova, UCHS’s Formal Education Project Coordinator, led a tour of the Babyn Yar site for the participants and discussed the challenges of memorialising the Babyn Yar tragedies.
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(No) Children’s Stories Exhibition in Chernihiv region
During several weeks in November, our colleagues from Kozelets Lyceum №3 in Chernihiv region worked on (No)Children's Stories. Despite the difficult working conditions, six guides - students of the 8th, 9th and 10th grades - and their teacher, Mr Ihor Karas, were able to introduce the exhibition to more than 300 people, including students of grades 6-11 and teachers of local schools.
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(No) Children’s Stories Exhibition in Kozelets
This autumn, our colleagues from Kozelets Lyceum №3 in Chernihiv Oblast wanted to host the exhibition. We are truly inspired by the experience of working with our new colleagues, who contacted us with this initiative despite the very difficult conditions for educational work.
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New section #PhotoHistory on our social network
The Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies has launched a new section on its official Facebook page, Photo_History, where we remind participants of the Center's projects of important and memorable moments of our research and teaching activities and collect feedback, reflections, and memories of these projects from different years.
Dear friends and colleagues, happy Independence Day of Ukraine!
This holiday has always been a symbol of national pride, unity and freedom for us. But today, when our country is going through one of the most difficult periods in its modern history, this holiday has taken on even greater importance. The price we pay for our desire to live in dignity in a united, independent and successful European state is extremely high.
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UCHS introduces a new section in the social network
The Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies is introducing a new section #PhotoHistory (#ІсторіяФото) on its official Facebook page, and the first thing we want to do is share a memory from the Robert Kuwalek Research and Education Seminar held last autumn.
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International Seminar for Educators in Lublin (Poland)
On 16.06-21.06 2024, the international seminar Unveiling "Aktion Reinhardt": A Multi-Perspective Exploration, at which the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies was represented by Anastasiia Mikheieva and Lesia Yurchyshyn.
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Research and methodological seminar for educators in Lviv
On 15-16 June, we met with more than twenty participants - mostly teachers from Lviv - to discuss the memory of the Holocaust, other cases of genocide on Ukrainian territory, and the current challenges of working with these topics.
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History of genocides in Ukraine: studying the experience and challenges of the present. Seminar in Kyiv
On 12-13 June, a research and methodological French-Ukrainian seminar History of genocides in Ukraine: studying the experience and challenges of the present was held in Kyiv. It was organised by the Shoah Memorial (Paris) and the Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies (Kyiv) with the support of the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies.
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(No) Children’s Stories Exhibition returned to Chernivtsi
In May-June 2024, Chernivtsi once again invited the interactive exhibition (No) Children’s Stories. This time, it was hosted by Chernivtsi Gymnasium No. 17, and initiated by history and law teacher Varvara Bodnariuk. The students of 7-9 grades volunteered to host the exhibition and during the month of the event, they gave tours to more than 400 people, including students from their school, other schools in the city, and even the mayor of Chernivtsi and a foreign delegation from Dusseldorf (Germany) with the mayor of the city.
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Learning From The Past - Acting For The Future seminar
On 18-19 May, the seminar Learning from the Past - Acting for the Future was held in Kyiv. It was a joint event of The Olga Lengyel Institute, New York, and the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, funded by the Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights.
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Post-project meeting of the Museums: Rethinking
At the end of 2023, UCHS, with the support of the Stabilisation Fund for Culture and Education 2023 of the German Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut, completed the project Museums: Rethinking. The project was aimed to support local Ukrainian museums and cultural institutions, encourage their networking and communication with each other, and brought together participants from 16 cultural institutions from all over the country.
Babyn Yar: Reflection. Exhibition of student works
From September 26 to October 3, 2023, an exhibition of student works dedicated to the anniversary of the Babyn Yar tragedy "Babyn Yar: Reflection" was held at the Kyiv Profesional College of Computer Technology and Economics of the National Aviation University.
The Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies provided support for the opening of the exhibition. -
Teaching Safely Online Course
The Kyiv Educational Center "Tolerspace" invites you to participate in the online course "Teaching Safely".
We remind you that you can take our online course "Teach Safely" at any time at a comfortable pace and receive a certificate for 12 hours (0.4 ECTS), including 6 hours of psychological training. It is available on the platform of the Open University of Maidan.
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Commemorating the Victims of the Holocaust Today: Key Topics and the Need for Change Webinar
The webinar will take place on June 27, 2023 as part of the "Young People reflect about Holocaust and Second World War" project, which is held by the Kyiv educational center “Tolerspace” in partnership with the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies with the support of the EVZ Foundation
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Webinar “Remembrance of the Holocaust in wartime”
For almost 80 years, traditional forms and methods of honouring the victims of the Holocaust have been formed. One of the key narratives: “to study the history of the Holocaust in order to prevent it from happening again” has been formed as well. The war and the subsequent full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine have changed the context of the narrative about genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
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Young people reflect on the Holocaust: Iwalk Program
Our partner, Kyiv educational center “Tolerance” will hold a 3-days seminar “Young people reflect on the Holocaust: Iwalk Program” in Poland on April 20-24, 2023 for Ukrainian teachers and high school students.
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Opening of the exhibition "The Future Without Eyewitnesses"
On November 17, 2022, the exhibition "The Future Without Eyewitnesses" opened in the Dusseldorf Central Library, Germany, and will last until December 23, 2022.
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Scholar and methodological seminar "History of Genocides in Ukraine: Studies of Experience and Contemporary Challenges"
On November 11-12, 2022, an international scholar and practical seminar "History of genocides in Ukraine: study of experience and contemporary challenges" was held in Kyiv, organized by the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, the Shoah Memorial (Paris, France) and the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War.
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IV Seminar-school "Learning from the past - acting for the sake of the future. Study about the history of the Holocaust and human rights"
On October 31, 2022, the seminar-school "Learning from the past - acting for the sake of the future" began. For the fourth time, we are gathering colleagues in cooperation with The Olga Lengyel Institute, New York and for the third time co-financed by the Dutch Jewish Humanitarian (The Hague).
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Happy Teachers Day!
Dear colleagues! Congratulations on your professional holiday! The UCHS team wishes you unlimited energy, inspiration, patience and health from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for your tireless work, dedication and strong educational front. Let work give you only positive emotions and a good mood. The most important thing, of course, is the victory as soon as possible and getting back to our normal life! 💙💛
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Teaching social studies in the conditions of war
On September 15, 2022, as part of the Adult Learners' Week, which is traditionally organized by the Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of Zaporizhzhia Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, an informal meeting of professionals (MeetUp) was held to discuss the problem of "Teaching social disciplines in the conditions of armed international conflict", in which 78 scientists, methodologists and practicing teachers took part.
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Webinar “Babyn Yar and russian war against Ukraine”
How will the priorities of Ukrainians’ historical memory change after the end of russian-Ukrainian war? Is reconsideration of Holodomor, Soviet repressions, World War II, the Holocaust, Revolution of Dignity possible? Which place can the modern war take among the events of recent Ukrainian history?
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Working group “How to talk about the Holocaust after February 24?” finished its work
On the eve of the Independence Day of Ukraine, the thematic meetings of “How to talk about the Holocaust after February 24” working group ended. For most of the summer, we have been working together with the group members on the recommendations and the text is almost done. So we will be able to share the results of our work with a wide range of educational colleagues very soon.
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Exhibition “(No) Children’s Stories”
In 2021, the project and the interactive exhibition "(No)Children's Stories" return to work with school students. In early November, a series of webinars was held to train guides in one of the schools in Kiev.
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Learning from the Past - Acting for the Future: Teaching about the Holocaust and Human Rights
From October 28 to November 1 in 2021, the five-day seminar-school “Learning from the Past -Acting for the Future” took place in Pushcha-Vodytsia. Twenty-five educators from all around Ukraine participated in the program. The seminar-school aims to improve the level of learning about the history of the Holocaust and human rights in Ukraine. It provides an opportunity to combine Ukrainian and international experience in teaching these topics and the relevance of historical events in the present.
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Holocaust history and history of extreme violence in Eastern Europe: Ukrainian-Polish dialogue
In the beginning of June 2021 the international seminar “Holocaust history. Ukrainian-Polish dialogue” took place, initialized by the “Mémorial de la Shoah” (Paris) and organized by the UCHS in cooperation with the POLIN-museum (Warsaw).
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Webinar: Holocaust history through the prism of personal stories
On 13th May 2021 the second educational event for pedagogues was held as a part of the new project: “Young people reflect about Holocaust and Second World War”.
Partners of the project were the Kyiv educational center “Tolerspace” and the UCHS in cooperation with the EVZ foundation. -
The constituent assembly of the project: “Memory Network”
On 6. May the online constituent assembly of the project “Memory Network” took place.
Since 2020 the project is growing, consistently adding new initiative groups, mentoring programs and experts. In total, more than a hundred people attended the meeting.
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“(No) Child History”: the project continues
On 26th March, two important events linked to the project “(No) Child History” took place.The students and history teachers of a Chernivtsi school started the classes and online-tours with the multimedia exhibition “(No) Child History”. Due to quarantine, the exhibition had to be held online for the students. In the meantime, we sincerely wish success to the guides and their teachers testing the distance and presence work with the materials.
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The first stage of the project “80 Stumbling Stones for the 80th Anniversary of Babyn Yar Tragedy”
The joint project of the UCHS, the German embassy in Ukraine and the Kiev City Counsel continues. Participants of the project, teachers and students of Ukrainian schools along with professional historians selected biographies, that will be implemented in the first stage. Next, there is a matter of agreeing on the right exact places for the Stumbling Stones with the Kiev City Counsel and preparing for their installation in September 2021, in occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Babyn Yar tragedy.
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Second online lecture for Ukrainian teachers
The UCHS in cooperation with the Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center carried out their second joint online lecture for Ukrainian educators on Sunday, 28th February 2021.
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Online lecture by Dr. Daniel Romanovsky: “The Position of Christian Churches during Holocaust”
On Sunday, 21st February 2021, Ukrainian listeners had the opportunity to attend an online lecture “The Position of Christian Churches during Holocaust” by Dr.. Daniel Romanovsky. The lecture arouse great interest among the graduates of our projects. While mentioning the pro-Nazi position of certain Ukrainian church-leaders, Romanovsky focused on the saving role of clergy.
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(No) Child History
We already wrote about the UCHS‘s new project
Now we will finally tell you more about it: Our project “(No) Child History“, which is also a travelling exhibition, tells the stories of 11 children and young adults (Jewish people, Sinti & Roma, Ukrainians) during World War 2 and Holocaust. The characters are describing their experiences with persecution, discrimination, resistance etc...By following the exhibition, you will learn about their lives, personal views and relations.
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Learning from the past – Acting for the future: Learning about Holocaust history and human rights,2020
The educational cooperation between UCHS and the Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights (New York) continued in October and November 2020. After several changes of date and intense preparations the online-school for about 30 attendees from all over the country finally started. During 9 online-meetings participants and lecturers talked about the integration of Holocaust education into the topic of human rights. Furthermore, possible ways to improve the current situation in our educational establishments have been discussed.
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80 Stumbling Stones for 80th Anniversary of Babyn Yar Tragedy.
The Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies invites teachers and students, non-formal education institutions, NGOs working with young people and educational centers from Kyiv to join our commemorative project dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Babyn Yar Tragedy “80 Stumbling Stones for 80th Anniversary of Babyn Yar Tragedy.
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Webinar "Work of memory. Working with memorials"
September 25, 2020, the webinar "Work of memory. Working with memorials" dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the Babyn Yar tragedy was organized for teachers from Kyiv.
The webinar was held by the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and supported by Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University Postgraduate Studies Institute.
The head of the Historical and Social Studies department, prof. Felix Levitas and the head of the UCHS, Dr. Anatolii Podolskyi delivered speeches on essential matters concerning working with collective memory.
The host of the meeting Olha Limonova (the Formal Education department coordinator) involved the participants in a discussion regarding the Babyn Yar memorialization and shared different teaching techniques the participants could use with their students to commemorate the victims of Babyn Yar.
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An additional call to participate in the 2nd workshop "Learning from the past – acting for the future. Studying the Holocaust history and human rights
The workshop is organized by the Olga Lengyel Institute (New York) and the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, and co-financed by the Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund (the Hague). The workshop aims at improving the level of Holocaust history teaching and human rights education in Ukraine.
The participants are expected to have experience in teaching Holocaust history together with motivation to continue teaching the Holocaust history and human rights after the workshop.
Participation in all events of the workshop is mandatory! The workshop will be held online.
The registration deadline is October 16, 2020.
We will confirm the acceptance of all participants by October 20, 2020.
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Educational conference in Zaporizhzhia
September 10, 2020, the Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Studies of the Zaporizhzhia regional council, in cooperation with educational space InschoollHub hosted "Lifetime studying as a condition for developing a competitive personality" Zoom-conference as a part of the Adult Education Week. Researchers, officials, and educators had spoken on different opportunities and resources of formal and nonformal education for teachers.
The opportunities and resources provided by the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies were presented by Olha Limonova, Formal Education Department coordinator.
The conference involved more than 70 educators (heads of educational institutions, educators, and teachers of social studies) from all over Ukraine.
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Seminar for history teachers in Kryvyi Rih
On September 6th-7th, 2020, Mykhailo Marmer Museum of Jewish Culture and the Holocaust History in Kryvyi Rih hosted an educational and methodological seminar for history teachers "Ukrainian society and memories of the Holocaust". The event was delivered in cooperation between the Ukrainian Center for the Holocaust Studies (UCHS, Kyiv), Mykhailo Marmer Museum, and NGO Keter (Kryvyi Rih) supported by the Education and Science Department of Kryvyi Rih city council executive committee.
The event also included a meeting of the school teachers with professional historians involved in researching the Holocaust history, who study the old teaching techniques and develop the new ones.
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News from the project "Babyn Yar: memory against history’s background.
We are glad to introduce the new chapter of the Teachers' interactive guidebook "Memorable dates". Now there are more than 66 materials available for teachers, including readymade lessons, practical and educational sessions, quests, etc. that concern memorable dates. The activities we offer can be applied to classes dedicated to those dates. We will monthly post notifications about the upcoming dates to be commemorated with regards to the Babyn Yar history materials.
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The 20th-anniversary national Illya Medvynskyi Students Competition "History and lessons of the Holocaust". The winners
On the 15th-17th of May 2020, the 20th-anniversary national Medvynskyi Students Competition "History and lessons of the Holocaust" took place in Ukraine. This year the competition was somehow unusual; due to the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine restrictions in Ukraine, we organized the competition online. All the events and defense sessions were conducted via anonline platform Zoom. This year we received around 60 students' works, including researches, artworks, literary, and video works. Thirty-eight participants made it to the final. Congrats to all the winners of the competition!
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Series of online webinars "Babyn Yar: memory against history’s background." are publicly available now.
In April and May 2020, the Ukrainian Center for the Holocaust Studies conducted a series of educational webinars as a part of the online resource project "Babyn Yar: memory against history’s background." that consists of a virtual exhibition, a documentary and an Interactive guidebook for teachers. The recordings of the webinars are available on the YouTube account of the Center
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"Protecting memory"/ "Memory network" project is proceeding to the next phase
We are glad to inform you about the continuation of the "Protecting memory" project in the new format and want to share the information about the initiative the Ukrainian Center for the Holocaust Studies has been working on for years.
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"Babyn Yar: memory against history’s background." The teachers' projects contest results
On Remembrance and Reconciliation Day, the Ukrainian Center for the Holocaust Studies is glad to announce the results of the competition of thematic lesson plans as a part of the "Babyn Yar: memory against history’s background". We received 23 applications from 20 participants. The five jury members were divided between 6 categories (the authors of the project and academic advisers). Twenty of the works have been published in the Teachers' interactive guidebook
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Seminar-presentation of an online tool against discrimination “Stories that Move” in Poltava.
On 26-27 February 2020 in Poltava lecturers and coaches of Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and educational center “Tolerspace” worked with secondary school and vocational school teachers on a two-day seminar-presentation of an online tool against discrimination “Stories that move”. Together with coaches they found out about the tool and its potential, methods of mixed education, visible thinking education and safe space creation. Separate sessions were dedicated to direct work with educational modules
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Seminar-presentation of an online tool against discrimination “Stories that Move” in Cherkasy.
The first Seminar-presentation of an online tool against discrimination “Stories that Move” was held on the December 12-13, 2019 in Cherkasy First City Gymnasia https://cutt.ly/Pe6wY3r
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International Project “Protecting Memory”. Opening ceremonies of the memorials (autumn, 2019)
On 16-19 of September 2019, the opening ceremonies of nine sites of memory, information stands and open-air exhibitions about the Holocaust took place in Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia regions (oblasts). These openings summed up three-year work done in the frames of the “Protecting Memory” project. Opening ceremonies of the sites of memory and information stands were held in Berdychiv, Khazhyn, Barashi, Samhorodok, Chukiv, Lypovets, Vakhnivka and Plyskiv. Earlier this year, six more sites had been opened on the mass graves of Roma and Jews.
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Seminar-presentation of an online tool against discrimination “Stories that Move”
On the 21 and 22 of August 2019 a two-day seminar-presentation of an online tool against discrimination “Stories that Move” took place in Sumy.
School teachers of history, languages, information technology, as well as school psychologists participated in the seminar. Together with trainers they learned about the platform and its’ possibilities; blended learning approach; visible thinking routine; safe space technique.
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Jewish contemporary education in Ukrainian society
From the beginning of July 2019 Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies takes part in partner project “IE-Tomus” (Jewish Traditional Education in Modern Ukrainian society) which is carried our by the Center for Jewish Education of Ukraine with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.
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“Protecting memory” project. Opening of the sites of memory dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust and Romani genocide
On 18-20 June 2019 opening ceremonies took place in six sites of memory out of 17 which are planned to be built in 13 localities within the “Protecting memory” project.
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Seminar in the frames of the “Protecting memory” project
On 4-7 of April 2019 within the “Protecting memory” project the educational and methodological seminar for teachers took place in Kyiv. Teachers from Vinnytsisa, Volyn, Lviv and Zhytomyr regions participated in the meeting.
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New interactive resource for the multipliers
We are happy to present a new interactive resource – a guidebook for a teacher about Babyn Yar and the multidimensional history of this tragic place.
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Presentation of Robert Kuwalek’s book in Lviv
On the 4th of December 2018 Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies presented a new book in Lviv – the Ukrainian translation of the monograph by Robert Kuwalek “Death Camp in Bellec”. Among the participants were friends and colleagues of Robert Kuwalek, scholars, teachers, representatives of the local Jewish community.
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“Protecting Memory” project event in Kyiv
On 21-23 of December 2018 Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies held the final educational event for teachers and pupils from Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia regions in Kyiv within the project “Protecting Memory”. During the three days’ seminar teachers and pupils discussed the history of Jews in Ukraine and the traditions of commemorating the Holocaust victims. Natalia Otrishchenko conducted a workshop on the work with the witnesses and oral history. Participants of the seminar visited Babyn Yar for a guided tour by Olha Limonova and they honored the memory of the murdered.
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“Protecting Memory” project – an advanced seminar in Zhytomyr
On 27-28 of October 2018 Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies held an advanced educational and methodological seminar for teachers and pupils within the “Protecting Memory” project in Zhytomyr. During a three-day seminar teachers and students attended lectures on the Holocaust history, discrimination and prejudice, culture and traditions of Jews in Ukraine. The participants watched and discussed films, worked with historical sources, and learned to perform public presentations. They also visited sites of Jewish history in Zhytomyr and surroundings and continued development of their own projects.
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Teaching guide for the exhibition «Babyn Yar: Memory against History’s Background»
On August 20-21 the first working meeting took place in a new project about the creation of a teaching guide for the virtual exhibition « Babyn Yar: Memory against History’s Background » ( http://memory.kby.kiev.ua/ ) Researchers of the culture of memory in Ukraine, teachers and methodologists from Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities take part in the project.
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“Jewish Children of Ukraine – Victims of the Holocaust” Exhibition in Kherson Region December
The city of Tsuriupynsk, Kherson oblast, namely Tsuriupynsk School # 2 with advanced foreign language learning hosted on 7-12 December the exhibition “Jewish Children of Ukraine – Victims of the Holocaust”, a local Ukrainian constituent of the “Anne Frank – a History for Today” exhibit.
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Teaching guide for the exhibition «Babyn Yar: Memory against History’s Background»
On August 20-21 the first working meeting took place in a new project about the creation of a teaching guide for the virtual exhibition « Babyn Yar: Memory against History’s Background » ( http://memory.kby.kiev.ua/ ) Researchers of the culture of memory in Ukraine, teachers and methodologists from Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities take part in the project.
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Seminar in Vinnytsia in the frames of the project «Protecting Memory» (August 14-17, 2017)
On August 14-17 the second in-depth educational and methodological seminar for teachers took place. During the seminar, the participants attended lectures about the history of the Holocaust, peculiarities of Nazi antisemitic propaganda. Also they presented their own projects, discussed the difficulties of their implementation and possible ways of overcoming these difficulties. Moreover, the participants who took part in the previous stage of the project «Protecting Memory» presented their gains, shared their experience and gave some advice
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Entangled history as a perspective for non-formal education
Krzyowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe under the support of Erasmus+ have held a training for educators and multiplies under the title “Entangled history as a perspective for non-formal education”. 2 participants from Poland, Germany and Ukraine have come together to develop a number of workshops for a guidebook using the “entangled history” methodology.
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Local seminars within the new project on dissemination of educational materials against antisemitism and antigypsyism
Two seminars in Kyiv on 21-23 October and 4-6 November 2016 launched the new two-year project of Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies aiming at dissemination of educational materials against antisemitism and antigypsyism for Ukrainian in-service teacher training institutions and local departments of education. It also aims to encourage cooperation and exchange between formal and informal teacher training programmes in Ukraine.
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Travelling exhibition “Jewish Children of Ukraine – Victims of the Holocaust”
In September-November 2016 the travelling exhibition “Jewish Children of Ukraine – Victims of the Holocaust” visited gymnasiums in Goshtscha (Rivne oblast), Cherkasy and Mishkovo-Pogorilove (Mykolayiv oblast).
While the schools ordered and hosted the exhibitions, the students from these schools tried themselves in the role of guides for their peers and outside visitors. -
Exhibition on the genocide of Roma in Transnistria
During 2015-2016 the German organization Bildungswerk für Friedensarbeit (Education for cooperation) was carrying out a project focused on the history of Roma genocide in the so called “Transnistria” – the region between the Dniester and the Southern Bug rivers that was occupied by Romania during the Second World War.
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Mobile Exhibition “Jewish Children of Ukraine – Victims of the Holocaust” Travelling the Country in January – April 2016
An educational mobile exhibition “Jewish Children of Ukraine – Victims of the Holocaust” prepared by Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies in cooperation with Anne Frank House Museum is travelling Ukraine again.
The exhibition tells about the fate of Jewish children on the territories of Ukraine occupied by German and Romanian armies during WWII. The schedule is coordinated by N. Kolpachenko, a history teacher. -
“Tolerance – Lessons of the Holocaust” Program: A Seminar in Minsk
On 27-30 October Minsk hosted a seminar on teaching about the Holocaust within the framework of a programme by Eurasian Jewish Congress “Tolerance – Lessons of the Holocaust”. Among the participants were 29 schoolteachers, museum associates, educators, college teachers from all over Belarus.
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“Tolerance – Lessons of the Holocaust” Program: A Seminar in Bishkek
A seminar within the EAJC programme “Tolerance – Lessons of the Holocaust” took place on 17 – 20 February in Kyrgyzstan. It was organized by Kyiv bureau of Eurasian Jewish Congress under the support of the Claims Conference. The seminar gathered teachers of history and humanities from local schools, methodologists and education officials, informal educators. Traditionally, Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies was a partner in organization and conduction of the seminar.
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“Protecting Memory”: project activities in 2014
The project “Protecting Memory: Protection and Memorialisation of WWII Jewish Mass Graves in Ukraine” started in our country several years ago and successfully continues into 2014. Owing to the support of German Federal Foreign Office the educational component of this project is also developing.
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Continuous cooperation within the programme "Tolerance - Lessons of the Holocaust" (September - October 2012)
Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) in cooperation with Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and local partners have held a series of educational seminars for teachers within the EAJC programme "Tolerance - Lessons of the Holocaust". The seminars were held for teachers of history and humanities of secondary educational establishments of Moldova and Georgia and Armenia.
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Minsk hosted a seminar within the programme "Tolerance - Lessons of the Holocaust"
On 17-19 August 2012 Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) in cooperation with Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and Union of Jewish Organizations and Communities of Belarus have held an international educational seminar in Minsk. The seminar was a part of the EAJC programme "Tolerance - Lessons of the Holocaust" and gathered teachers of history and humanities of secondary educational establishments of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.
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Educational study trip for Swedish teachers
Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies in cooperation with and under the support of Swedish Committee against Antisemitism (SKMA) and in partnership with the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe (Lviv) have held an international educational study trip for Swedish, Polish and Romanian teachers and researchers on the Holocaust. The seminar dealt with the history of Ukrainian Jews and the Holocaust in Ukraine. Main focus of the two-fold seminar was on the history of Jewish communities of Eastern Galicia. Ukrainian part of the seminar took place on 29 July – 3 August around Lviv region. After that the participants went off to Poland, where they are to explore the memorial sites of Majdanek and Belzec.
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«Fair play» - a seminar for youth against racism in football
26 – 27 May 2012 Kyiv is hosting a seminar under the title “Fair Play”, which concerns combating racism in football.
The seminar is aimed, specifically, at representatives of EURO 2012 volunteer organizations, fan clubs and relevant journalists. It has been organized by Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies in cooperation with the No Borders Project and under the financial support of the Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine and the UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights. -
The Holocaust History and Human Rights.
Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies in cooperation with the All-Ukrainian educational programme “Understanding Human Rights” and under the support of Matra Foundation and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Ukraine announced the conducting of a new project for 2011/2012.
The project “The Holocaust history and human rights” is aimed to research the possibilities of integration of teaching Human Rights and the Holocaust History. The First educational-methodical seminar within the scope of the project took place on the 25-27th of November 2011 in Kyiv. -
Project Ukrainian Books for Education in Tolerance
Teaching tolerance in multicultural Europe and world is one of the challenges posed by modernity. In 1995 the UNESCO General Conference Resolution passed the Declaration on the Principles of Tolerance and the first decade of the XXI century was pronounced by the UN "The International Decade for the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the Earth".
Guide-training sessions
On 8 September - 3 October Kyiv dwellers and guests will be able to see the exhibition "Shoah by Bullets: The mass shooting of Jews in Ukraine in 1941-1944". The exhibition, created by Memorial de la Shoah following the research by f. Patrick Desbois, is presented in Ukraine owing to the support of Victor Pinchuk Foundation.
Seminar in Holocaust Education for History Teachers of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Moldova
June 28-30, 2009 in Kyiv Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies in cooperation with Euro-Asian Jewish Congress held an international seminar in frames of the EAJC programme "Tolerance - Lessons of the Holocaust". The seminar embraced advanced history teachers from secondary schools of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Moldova and aimed at experience exchange between educators in Holocaust studies. The three days of the meeting effectively combined practical work, lecturing and round-table discussion. Most of the time was given to workshops and presentation by the participants of their plans and ways of teaching the Holocaust at school.
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International Seminar on Methodologies of Holocaust Education for History Teachers of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Moldova
From June 28 - 30, 2009 the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies (UCHS) together with the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) and in cooperation with the Russian Fund "Holocaust" conducted an international seminar on methodologies of Holocaust Education for history teachers in Kiev, welcoming participants from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Moldova. It was held in frames of the program "Tolerance - Lessons of the Holocaust", initiated by EAJC
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BETol Educational Seminars
In the late June 2009 Kherson and Uzhgorod hosted educational-methodical seminars in frames of all-Ukrainian Project "Ukrainian Books for Education in Tolerance", officially launched in Ukraine in April 2009.The seminars were devoted to methodology of using newly published project books in tolerance education and in combating anti-Semitism, xenophobia and discrimination. The series embraced seminars for five target groups: teachers, school administration, students, librarians, journalists.
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European Days at the Gymnasium of Oriental Languages in Kiev
Tuesday, 12th of May 2009 was one of the so-called "European Days" at the Gymnasium of Oriental Languages in Kiev. As the name suggests, those days were devoted to the promotion of knowledge about the European Union. During this week every day the pupils are given the possibility to get to know the separate member states of the EU, their peculiarities, as well as their interaction and relations by creating several posters or making exercises, for example, connected to this topic. Of course, it was also thought to foster the understanding of multiculturality and societal heterogeneity, in general generating awareness of how important it is for Ukraine as a state, as well as a whole society to be geared to the European Union and its values, respectively.
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Ukrainian Books for Education in Tolerance
April 14, 2009. The Center for Civic Education in cooperation with the Association of Headmasters of Ukraine under the support of MATRA programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Kingdom, Anne Frank House and Central and East European Book Publishing Fund (Amsterdam) and in alliance with Ukrainian partner-organizations, among which is Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, launched an official presentation of the project "Ukrainian Books for Education in Tolerance".
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Summer school as the part of international project "Encountering Memory"
On the 5-8th of August 2008 All-Ukrainian Association of Teachers of History, Civic Education and Social Studies "NOVA DOBA", Institute for Visual History at South California University, Victor Pinchuk Fund in cooperation with Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies organised a summer school for history teachers from all the regions of Ukraine in frames of the project "Encountering Memory".
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Ukrainian Version of Anne Frank Guide
The Dutch multi-lingual Anne Frank Webguide, which is an interactive educational complex comprising information on the history of Anne Frank and the national wartime history of the countries-participants of the project as well as a number of activities for students' independent work, will be launched in Ukrainian.
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Teachers' Seminar in Ternopol
A new cycle of teachers' seminars was launched in Ternopil on January 26, 2008 in frames of the third phase of the project "Tolerance and Holocaust Education in Ukraine (2007-2009)" under the support of Anne Frank House and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport of the Netherlands Kingdom.
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Meeting of Ukrainian and European students
On the 30th of September a meeting between pupils of the Browari gymnasium and the international winners of Eustory history competition from Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Slovenia and Rumania together with the executive director of Eustory, Gabriele Woidelko took place in the assembly hall of the Institute for Political and Ethno National Studies.
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Summer School “The Holocaust in Khmelnitzkiy region: “Survivors and witnesses, Oral History practice” from 16th to 23rd August
The Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies is proud to announce the seminar “The Holocaust in Khmelnitzkiy region: “Survivors and witnesses, Oral History practice”, which will be held in Kamenets-Podolsky. Head of the project is Tatyana Velichko. This summer school is dedicated to deepen knowledge of Holocaust history, find out peculiarities of the holocaust in Khmelnitsky region and learn to use the potential of oral history in holocaut studies.
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Second Field School on Oral History “The Holocaust through Non-Jewish Testimonies”
On 16-23 August 2007 Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies held the Second Field School on Oral History “The Holocaust through Non-Jewish Testimonies” in Khmelnitskiy oblast. The participants were chosen among pupils, students, graduates of Ukrainian universities on the competitive basis. Participants represented Dnipropetrovsk National University, Zhitomir Economic-Humanitarian University, National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, International Solomon University, Kyiv State Institute for Art and Design named after M. Boychuk.
The aim of the field school was to gather source material on the Holocaust in Khmelnitsky oblast using the oral history method -
Educational Travel Seminar on the History of Ukrainian Jews and the Holocaust in Ukraine
From June 11th until the 21st of June the Swedish Committee against Anti-Semitism in cooperation with the Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies conducted an educational travel seminar on Jewish history and the holocaust in the Ukraine. The target audience were Swedish history teachers and people interested in the history of the Ukrainian Jewry. The seminar followed the route Kyiv – Poltava – Simferopol – Bakhchisarai – Sevastopol – Odessa.
In advance of the travel seminar in Ukraine a preliminary seminar took place in Stockholm on 11th -12th May, 2007. The participants-to-be had a chance to meet the associates of the Centre and to discuss the programme of the future visit. The associates of the Centre as well gave several lectures on history and culture of Ukrainian Jewry before the Holocaust and on the fate of Jews in Ukraine during the Holocaust. Along the idea of the organizers, such a preparatory seminar was fostering a better understanding of the issues to be raised on the seminar in Ukraine. The seminar took place in the office of the Swedish Committee against Anti-Semitism in Stockholm -
A Group of Ukrainian Guides in Anne Frank House Museum in Amsterdam!
The project “Holocaust and Tolerance Education in Ukraine” initiated by Anne Frank House Museum has been an integral part of Ukrainian society for the past five years. One of the elements of the project is the traveling exhibition “Anna Frank: a History for Today” traveling around Ukraine for the five years with guides being students of secondary schools of Ukraine.
Route of the exhibition “Anne Frank: a History for Today” in Spring 2007
The project “Holocaust and Tolerance Education in Ukraine” initiated by Anne Frank House Museum in the Netherlands in co-operation with Ukrainian scholarly and educational organizations, among which Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies takes its place, continues this year as well outside Ukrainian territories. Its constituent part – a traveling exhibition “Anna Frank – a History for Today” – in March was on the territory of Moldova in Rybnitse (it is the second time the exhibition is in Moldova: in January 2007 it took place in Chisinau), in April the exhibition opened in Belgorod-Dnestrovsky in Odessa region, and in April – May 2007 the dwellers of Rostov-na-Donu, Russia will have it at their disposal.
Project of Anne Frank House Museum in Moldova!
Project “Holocaust and Tolerance Education in Ukraine” that has successfully worked for four years in Ukraine expanded to Moldova. On December 15-17, 2006 in Chisinau the first educational seminar for teenagers-guides on the “Anne Frank: a History for Today” exhibition took place. Anne Frank House Museum under the support of the Ministry of Health, Sports, and Welfare of the Netherlands Kingdom decided to continue the project on Moldavian territory. The partners in the project are same five Ukrainian organizations: All-Ukrainian Association of History Teachers “Nova Doba”, Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies, Institute for Jewish Studies, Jewish Foundation of Ukraine, Centre of Jewish Education of Ukraine. These organizations will lead the project in Moldova.
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Lessons of the Holocaust – Lessons of Tolerance
Under such a title a one-day educational-methodical practical seminar for teachers took place in Kyiv Gymnasium for Oriental Languages on December 12, 2006. During the seminar guests (history teachers and methodologists from Kyiv schools) had a chance to see several interesting presentations. The first presentation I believe very effective and emotional was an English lesson for 7th grade dedicated to Theresienstadt and the efforts to understand the known poem of Paul Friedman, a dweller of the “exemplary ghetto”, about the butterfly that cannot live in ghetto…
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Opening of “Anne Frank: a History for Today” in Nikolayev
On December 4, 2006 the exhibition “Anne Frank: a History for Today” was opened in Nikolayev in the museum “Underground and Partisan Movement in Nikolayev region during World War II. 1941-1944”.
The exhibition was organized by Jewish Foundation of Ukraine, Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies, Nikolayev Jewish Culture Community, Anne Frank House (the Netherlands). -
Tolerance and the Holocaust
On 12 October in Uzhgorod at Transcarpathian Pedagogical Postgraduate Studies Institute a regional seminar for history teachers. It was dedicated to the Holocaust history and Tolerance issues. The seminar took place owing to the support of the Department for Press, Education, and Culture of the USA Embassy in Ukraine. It was organised by the Uzhgorod State Community “Centre for Romology” and personally Ms. Y.Navrotska – teacher of Roma history and culture.
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Living History of the Testimonies All-Ukrainian Field Summer School on Holocaust Studies took place in the Crimea
The participants of the all-Ukrainian Field Summer School “The Holocaust through the Eyes of the non-Jewish Population (Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars) on the Example of the Crimean Peninsula” attempted at recreation of the tragic pictures of the WWII in the Crimea basing on the witness’ statements. Field research by the associates of the Crimean Ethnographic Museum, university students, and senior high school students was done at August 4-12th, 2006 in Krasnogvardeyskiy region (former Kurman-Kemeltchinskiy) and Razdolnoye village (former Ak-Sheikh), where before the War lived a large Jewish population and existed Jewish national kolkhozes.
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Project "Holocaust and tolerance education in Ukraine"
It is the fourth year that this project has been running in Ukraine owing to the support of the Netherlands Kingdom and "Anna Frank House" museum. It is a great honour for Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies to take part in this project alongside with other academic and educational NGOs. As it is known, one of the complement parts of the project is travelling exhibitions. On January 23rd, 2006 in Zhytomir the exhibition "Anna Frank: a History for Today" was opened for public; and the beginning of February 2006 will give a possibility to visit "Sources of Tolerance" exhibition to the dwellers of Gadyach. As in other cities, youngsters -students of 9-11 grades - make guides for the both exhibitions mentioned under the controlling and helping hand of Yulia Smelyanskaya.
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A Meeting with Teachers of Ukrainian Schools
On December 27th, 2005 Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies with the help of Kyiv Jewish Community (they granted the premises) held a working meeting with history school-teachers from Kyiv, Kryvyi Rig, Bila Tserkva, Brovary. Owing to the Internet capabilities, our colleagues from Lviv, Simpheropol, Hizhyn also took part in the summit. The main point was preparation and conduction of the following, Sixth All-Ukrainian Competition of Pupils' Research and Art Works "History and Lessons of the Holocaust". Everybody agreed that in the nearest future the Terms of the Competition, highlighting conditions and terms for applications, should appear on the Centre's web-site. Actual conduction of the Competition will take place in May 2006.
Anne Frank exhibition visit to the Jewish historical camp “Shorashim”
The Anne Frank exhibition was exhibited on June 25-28 in the Jewish historical camp “Shorashim” in Nikolaevka, Crimea. There were 105 teenagers 12-17 years old from 24 Ukrainian regions, Moldova and Byelorussia and 15 adults participating in the camp program. Teenagers from Moldova and Byelorussia had the unique possibility to visit the exhibition. Among non-Jewish participants there were 3 winners of the All-Ukrainian Holocaust studies’ competition organized by Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and 2 Anne Frank guides (Sergei Stepanov and Katia Poliakova). Trainer of the exhibition Tatyana Velichko participated in program’s composition and gave consultations to the guides and tutors.
Anna Frank – a History for Today in Cherkasy
In Cherkasy the exhibition stayed in the ethnographic museum. 23 pupils-guides gave 127 excursions for over 2728 visitors. After the end of the exhibition the director of Cherkasy Jewish school held a competition “The Best Essay on Anna Frank Exhibition”.
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Anna Frank – a History for Today in Kirovograd
The well-known exhibition “Anna Frank – a History for Today” continues its journey around Ukraine. Just now the project has come to an end in Kirovograd – the city with numerous signs of former flamboyant Jewish life. Before the revolution Yelisavetgrad was one of the largest industrial centres within the so-called “boundary of settlement”.
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"Anna Frank: a History for Today" exhibition in Poltava
The project "Holocaust and Tolerance Education in Ukraine", conducted in Ukraine by Anna Frank House Museum in co-operation with Ukrainian non-governmental educational organisations and under support of the Ministry of Culture, Education and Sports of the Netherlands Kingdom, goes on and on. Since November 21st till December 21st the exhibition "Anna Frank: a History for Today" will take place in Poltava. As usual, besides the exhibition itself seminars for teachers and pupils will be conducted. In October the panels were exhibited in Sumy. Poltava is already the 16th city of the project in Ukraine.
MoreLatest News
On 21 March 2025, the XIV Drahomanov Readings of Young Historians took place at the History Faculty of the Mykhailo Drahomanov National University of Ukraine.
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NGO “Mnemonic” presented an audio film about the Holocaust in Rivne
During the presentation of the audio film Echoes of Sosonky, created by the NGO Mnemonic, visitors heard the story of the tragic events that took place in Rivne in early November 1941. The project is supported by the EVZ Foundation.
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Interview with German national daily newspaper “Die Welt”
At the end of February 2025, the head of the UCHS, Anatolii Podolskyi, gave a lengthy interview to the well-known European, German newspaper Die Welt. The interview was conducted by Austrian journalist Stefan Schocher.
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“One Stone, One Life: 80 Stumbling Stones for Kyiv”. The Project Continues
The project One Stone, One Life: 80 Stumbling Stones for Kyiv was launched in 2021 and was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Babyn Yar tragedy. The project honours the memory of people whose fate was connected to Babyn Yar, i.e. those who were killed or persecuted by the Nazi regime from 1941 to 1943.
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Challenges in Holocaust Studies during the Russian War Against Ukraine. Open Lecture at Vinnytsia Pedagogical University
The NotBox educational and research hub of Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University recently hosted a guest lecture for students of the Faculty of History and International Relations. The lecture, titled Challenges in Holocaust Studies during the Russian War Against Ukraine, was led by the head of the Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies Anatolii Podolskyi.