Educational publications
Educational Materials “Nazi Genocide against Roma in Ukraine, 1941-1944”
The tragic fate of Roma people during WWII still remains largely unknown in Ukraine and generally in Europe. The new educational materials play an important role in returning Roma history and culture into the history and culture of modern Ukraine, unveiling Roma cultural heritage and the tragic events of WWII genocide against them.
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New publication in cooperation with the Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights
Вчимося з минулого — діємо заради майбутнього. Міждисциплінарний підхід до освіти про Голокост, права людини та міжкультурної освіти / Оана Нестіан-Санду ; пер. з англ. Катерина Малишевська. — Київ : Український центр вивчення історії Голокосту, 2023. — 100 с.
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How to teach about the Holocaust after 24 February 2022
The publication contains recommendations for teachers who already teach about the Holocaust but need advice on what must change with regard to the ongoing russian war of aggression against Ukraine. The guidelines were prepared by a working group of teachers in cooperation with Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies in the summer of 2022.
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(No)Children Stories: a guide for the exhibition
We are happy to present the next publication by UCHS. The manual was created for students and teachers planning to use and be guides for the real or interactive versions of the exhibition “(No)Children Stories”. This manual will explain the concept of the exhibition, ways of delivering the materials, tricks on how to prepare the exhibition for public use. Future guides will be able to read through useful advice on preparation and leading the guided tours, cooperation with each other and the visitors.
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Roads of Memory: How to Organize Memorial Visits to Mass Grave Sites
We would like to present guidelines for teachers, students and anyone wishing to contribute to commemorate Ukrainian Jews and Roma, who were cruelly murdered during WWII. The book aims to help organize educational trips to local memorial sites and mass graves. It is based on the experience of the Protecting Memory Project and its participating teachers and local activists.
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Let Us Remember. History and Lessons of the Holocaust. Works by Young Researchers
This is a collection of the research works by winners of the All-Ukrainian I.B. Medvinsky Competition of Students’ Research and Art Works “History and Lessons of the Holocaust” in the years of 2010 – 2019. This competition is one of the most important annual events by Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies.
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Let Us Remember. History and Lessons of the Holocaust. Works by Young Artists
This collection presents the best student art and literary works from the All-Ukrainian I.B. Medvinsky Competition of Students’ Research and Art Works “History and Lessons of the Holocaust” in the years of 2010 – 2019. The art projects touch on a variety of topics dealing with the history of Ukrainian Jews during WWII, the Holocaust on the territory of Ukraine.
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Our first publication on countering antigypsyism
“Roma: Myths and Facts. A Teacher’s Guide on Countering Antigypsyism” – is a publication prepared to combat prejudice against Roma in Ukrainian society. The authors use their extensive experience to offer ways of deconstruction of the popular myths though reflection, critical thinking and historical education.
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A collection of methodological materials on Babyn Yar memory
The collection by the name “Babyn Yar: Memory against History’s Background. A Guide for Teachers” represents a number of sample lesson plans and commemorative event plans based on the virtual exhibition under the same name and a documentary “Babyn Yar in Search of Memory”.
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In First Person: History of the Holocaust in Testimonies
An educational reader “In First Person: History of the Holocaust in Testimonies” is a collection of texts gathered for educational work within the Protecting Memory Project on preserving and memorializing the Holocaust mass graves on the Ukrainian territory
History of the Holocaust: Education and Commemoration. A Teachers’ Guide
This guide for teachers comprises materials, developed within educational events of the Protecting Memory Project on preserving and memorializing the Holocaust mass graves on the Ukrainian territory.
A Collection of Best Students' Research Works in 2006-2009 printed
Holocaust History and Lessons: A Collection of Student Research Papers, 2006-2009 - K .: Ukrainian Center for the Study of the Holocaust; Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, 2010. - 400 p.
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Teaching materials on the history of Jews and anti-Semitism in Europe published in Ukraine
Kyiv. In March 2008 teaching materials for Ukrainian high school students on the topics of xenophobia, anti-Semitism and racism have been published.
Being part of an international project initiated by the OSCE/ODIHR and the Anne Frank House the materials have been adapted for use in schools in several countries and are available in the official language of each partner state. In each case they were prepared and adapted with experts from the countries concerned, namely the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and the association "Nova Doba" for Ukraine. -
New Books by Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies in Co-operation with Anne Frank House
In summer 2007 the Centre published two books in frames of the international project “Holocaust and Tolerance Education in Ukraine”.
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On 21 March 2025, the XIV Drahomanov Readings of Young Historians took place at the History Faculty of the Mykhailo Drahomanov National University of Ukraine.
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NGO “Mnemonic” presented an audio film about the Holocaust in Rivne
During the presentation of the audio film Echoes of Sosonky, created by the NGO Mnemonic, visitors heard the story of the tragic events that took place in Rivne in early November 1941. The project is supported by the EVZ Foundation.
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Interview with German national daily newspaper “Die Welt”
At the end of February 2025, the head of the UCHS, Anatolii Podolskyi, gave a lengthy interview to the well-known European, German newspaper Die Welt. The interview was conducted by Austrian journalist Stefan Schocher.
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“One Stone, One Life: 80 Stumbling Stones for Kyiv”. The Project Continues
The project One Stone, One Life: 80 Stumbling Stones for Kyiv was launched in 2021 and was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Babyn Yar tragedy. The project honours the memory of people whose fate was connected to Babyn Yar, i.e. those who were killed or persecuted by the Nazi regime from 1941 to 1943.
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Challenges in Holocaust Studies during the Russian War Against Ukraine. Open Lecture at Vinnytsia Pedagogical University
The NotBox educational and research hub of Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University recently hosted a guest lecture for students of the Faculty of History and International Relations. The lecture, titled Challenges in Holocaust Studies during the Russian War Against Ukraine, was led by the head of the Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies Anatolii Podolskyi.