

  • NGO “Mnemonic” presented an audio film about the Holocaust in Rivne

    During the presentation of the audio film Echoes of Sosonky, created by the NGO Mnemonic, visitors heard the story of the tragic events that took place in Rivne in early November 1941. The project is supported by the EVZ Foundation.

  • “One Stone, One Life: 80 Stumbling Stones for Kyiv”. The Project Continues

    The project One Stone, One Life: 80 Stumbling Stones for Kyiv was launched in 2021 and was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Babyn Yar tragedy. The project honours the memory of people whose fate was connected to Babyn Yar, i.e. those who were killed or persecuted by the Nazi regime from 1941 to 1943.

  • We invite you to the XVIII Annual Roundtable ‘Ukrainian Society and the Memory of the Holocaust’

    On 27 January 2025, on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we are having the XVIII Roundtable Ukrainian Society and the Memory of the Holocaust: Heritage and Current Challenges.

  • Mila Sandberg Memorial Day in Zalishchyky

    Mila Sandberg Memorial Day was held at Zalishchyky Gymnasium in Ternopil Oblast, a symbolic memorial event related to the comprehension of historical memory.

  • The Roma Holocaust Memorial Day

    Today, on 2 August, the whole world commemorates the victims of the Nazi genocide of the Roma. It was on the night of 2 to 3 August 1944 that the Nazis murdered more than 4,000 Roma prisoners in the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in Poland.

  • 14 May - the Day of Remembrance of Ukrainians Who Saved Jews During World War II

    On the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of Ukrainians who rescued Jews during World War II, the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War traditionally hosted the All-Ukrainian event Ukrainian Rescuers. Marathon of Stories.

  • The Roma Holocaust Memorial Day

    On August 2, the memory of the victims of the Nazi genocide of the Roma is commemorated at the international level. This date is a tribute to those who died as a result of genocide during the Second World War. On the night of August 2-3, 1944, about three thousand Roma, including children and the elderly, were burned alive in the gas chambers of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. Probably between 300,000 and 500,000 Roma died during National Socialism. In total, more than 20 thousand Ukrainian Roma died on the territory of Ukraine. This genocide left a deep scar on the souls of hundreds of thousands of people, and its traces continues to be felt today.

  • IN MEMORIAM of Larysa Volovyk (1939-2023)

    On July 14, 2023, Larysa Faliivna Volovyk, Merited Culture Worker of Ukraine, founder of the first Kharkiv Holocaust Museum in Ukraine, passed away.
    Her main work was focused on preserving the memory of the Nazi genocide against the Jews of Ukraine during World War II. In 1996, she founded the first non-governmental Holocaust museum in Ukraine in Kharkiv and was its permanent director. For almost thirty years she headed the Righteous Among the Nations Program. According to the documents she prepared, about 90 Kharkiv residents were awarded the honorary title of Righteous Among the Nations of Ukraine.
    The Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies has been cooperating with Ms. Larysa for many years in the field of preserving and honoring the memory of Holocaust victims in Ukraine.

  • IN MEMORIAM Mykhailo Savchenko (1952-2023)

    Grief and sorrow... On June 21, 2023, our colleague and true friend, the sincere Ukrainian Teacher Mykhailo Pylypovych Savchenko, passed away.
    70 years of his life, 50 of which he gave to Ukrainian historical education. Honored teacher of Ukraine, history teacher, teacher-methodologist, researcher, deputy director for educational and methodological work of the Kyiv Gymnasium of Oriental Languages No. 1. The Excellent Educator of Ukraine. An accident and illness took his life.

  • The Ukrainian Righteous Among the Nations are braving the war but need help

    The Ukrainian Righteous Among the Nations, like the majority of Ukrainians, face challenges and difficulties that arose as a result of russia's aggression against Ukraine. More than 40 families of Ukrainian Righteous Among the Nations refused to leave the territory of Ukraine during the war.

  • Exodus-2022: Testimonies of Jewish Refugees from the Russo-Ukrainian War

    The Kyiv City Jewish Community with the support of the German Foundation EVZ  and other partners invites you to become participants in the Exodus-2022 project.

  • “Memory network” Project Presentation

    On November 3, 2022, an online presentation of the German-Ukrainian memorial project was held as part of the German scholarly, educational and cultural initiative "Ukrainian Hour"

  • Remembering the terror victims: three more “stumbling stones” to be installed in Kyiv

    Interview of the UCHS director and historian Anatoly Podolskyi to the reporters of “Evening Kyiv” newspaper about the upcoming plans of the international project “One stone – one life”. The article has been published before the memorial day of the victims of the Babyn Yar tragedy.

  • Memoirs of Jack Glotzer from Rohatyn

    We are glad to inform you that UCHS, within the frames of the Memory Network project, will prepare a new edition of memories in our book series "Library of the Holocaust memoirs"! The memoirs of Jack Glotzer from Rohatyn (Ivano-Frankivsk region), who survived the Holocaust, will be published in a bilingual edition (in Ukrainian and English).

  • “Bucha, Irpin, Borodianka – We will never forgive…”

    From August 25 to September 24, 2022 the Sholom-Aleichem Museum is hosting the exhibition of photos by Iurii Tumanov called “Bucha, Irpin, Borodianka – We will never forgive…” It is the result of author’s three trips to the areas, which were occupied from the very beginning of the war. Each picture of the exhibition is experiencing destruction, ruins, grief and pain.

  • International Memorial Project “Against Oblivion” in Odessa

    On 22th October 2021, the first stone of the memorial complex “Against Oblivion” was laid in Odessa. It remembers the tragedy of the mass extermination of Jews in October 1941 and the ceremony was dedicated to 80th anniversary of local Jew’s deaths.

  • Why is 2nd August the International Holocaust Memorial Day for Sinti and Roma?

    Prejudice against the ethnical minority of Roma and Sinti has its starting point long time before the Nazis dictatorship. A large part of society has labelled them criminal and uneducated.

  • Ukrainian Memory Coalition

    On 18th June 2021, the Ukrainian Memorial Coalition has been found with the Initiative of the National Memorial Complex of Heroes of Heavenly Hundred - Museum of the Revolution of the Dignity

  • New interactive project: “Atlas of Holocaust Killing Sites in Ukraine”

    The UCHS presents a new research and educational project: “Shoah Atrocities Map-Ukraine”, which is implemented by the Tsal Kaplun Foundation (USA) and the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, designed to mark forgotten and erased mass shooting sites of Ukrainian Jewish people during World War 2.

  • Mentioning of the monograph “Hitler’s Furies” on public radio

    We would like to let you know about the interview on Ukrainian public radio with Victoria Ivanenko, a translator who worked on the Ukrainian version of the book “Hitler’s Furies” by Wendy Lauer.

  • Presentation of the book “Clara’s War” in Zhovkva

    On March 12, the Ukrainian version of the book “Clara’s War” was presented at the Hetman’s Hall of Zhovhka’s Castle. It has been recently published in the “Library of Holocaust Memories” series.

  • Online presentation of the Ukrainian version of: “Clara’s War”

    On 25th February, the UCHS hosted an online presentation of “Clara’s War”, a book which has recently been translated into the Ukrainian language. The translation was published as a part of the “Library of the Holocaust Memoirs” -series towards the end of 2020.

  • Memorial Dates in December

    Reminder of the project: “Babyn Yar, memory against history’s background” We want to draw your attention to four special days in December and our Teacher’s interactive guidebook.

  • 80 Stumbling Stones for 80th Anniversary of Babyn Yar Tragedy.

    The Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies invites teachers and students, non-formal education institutions, NGOs working with young people and educational centers from Kyiv to join our commemorative project dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Babyn Yar Tragedy “80 Stumbling Stones for 80th Anniversary of Babyn Yar Tragedy.

  • The tragedy of Babyn Yar is a part of Ukraine's collective memory

    The appeal of Ukrainian Jewry to Ukrainian civic society

    Ukrainian Jewish community urges civic society to finally reconsider the tragedy of Babyn Yar as a part of Ukraine's history and collective memory.

    "We, the representatives of Ukrainian Jewry, demand the Holocaust and the tragedy of Babyn Yar itself to be considered a part of Ukraine's history and collective memory, just like Holodomor, the deport

  • Memories of the ongoing war

    On the 7th of August 2020, the Educational Human Rights House in Chernihiv hosted a discussion on the importance of remembrance culture nowadays. It has been seven years since the military conflict in Ukraine started, and it has already become a part of our history. The knowledge of these events is contributing to the national heritage and political culture. How to preserve the memories of the events that happened in the past and are happening right now? What can we learn from the examples of the Holocaust remembrance and commemoration of other horrible events that took place in the twentieth century?

    [Video discussion]

  • Ukraine's cultural and scientific community's appeal on the Babyn Yar memorialization process

    Ukraine's cultural and scientific community has issued an appeal to the President of Ukraine, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Mayor of Kyiv and the Kyiv City Council to cooperate with the civic society in order to take responsibility and set control over establishing the Babyn Yar memorial site.

  • Bulletin «Lessons of the Holocaust», № 1 (61), 2020

    Dear colleagues! The fresh issue of information-pedagogical bulletin of UCHS «Lessons of the Holocaust», № 1 (61), January-March, 2020 has been published.

  • The XIII Annual Round table discussion “Holocaust Commemoration and the Ukrainian Society: Research and Educational Aspects”.

    On 27 of January 2020 Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and Goethe-Institut in Ukraine under the support of the Embassy of the State of Israel to Ukraine held the XIII annual round table discussion “Holocaust Commemoration and the Ukrainian Society: Research and Educational Aspects”

  • International Project “Protecting Memory”. Opening ceremonies of the memorials (autumn, 2019)

    On 16-19 of September 2019, the opening ceremonies of nine sites of memory, information stands and open-air exhibitions about the Holocaust took place in Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia regions (oblasts). These openings summed up three-year work done in the frames of the “Protecting Memory” project. Opening ceremonies of the sites of memory and information stands were held in Berdychiv, Khazhyn, Barashi, Samhorodok, Chukiv, Lypovets, Vakhnivka and Plyskiv. Earlier this year, six more sites had been opened on the mass graves of Roma and Jews.

  • “Protecting memory” project. Opening of the sites of memory dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust and Romani genocide

    On 18-20 June 2019 opening ceremonies took place in six sites of memory out of 17 which are planned to be built in 13 localities within the “Protecting memory” project.

  • The XII Annual Round table discussion “Holocaust Commemoration and the Ukrainian Society: Research and Educational Aspects” on occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day

    On the 27th of January 2019 Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and Goethe-Institut in Ukraine under the support of the Embassy of the State of Israel to Ukraine held the XII annual round table discussion “Holocaust Commemoration and the Ukrainian Society: Research and Educational Aspects”.

  • Round table discussion “Holocaust Commemoration and the Ukrainian Society: Research and Educational Aspects“ on occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day

    On the 27th of January 2017 the Xth Annual Round Table “Holocaust Commemoration and the Ukrainian Society: Research and Educational Aspects“ took place in Kyiv. The event is targeted at encouraging discussion on the historical memory of the Holocaust and developing recommendations for teaching the subject in Ukraine. The sessions on various topics were attended by researchers, teachers, representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations and international institutions, diplomatic representatives etc.

  • On occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day The 9th Annual Round Table Discussion "Holocaust Commemoration and the Ukrainian Society: Research and Educational Aspects"

    On 27 January 2016 a round table discussion for teachers, researchers and students "Holocaust Commemoration and the Ukrainian Society: Research and Educational Aspects" took place in Kyiv. It was traditionally organized by Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and Goethe-Institut in Ukraine under the support of the Embassy of the State of Israel in Ukraine. This event was targeted at encouraging public discussion on the Holocaust commemoration in the Ukrainian society, fostering research and teaching about the Holocaust in Ukraine.

  • Exhibition on the genocide of Roma in Transnistria

    During 2015-2016 the German organization Bildungswerk für Friedensarbeit (Education for cooperation) was carrying out a project focused on the history of Roma genocide in the so called “Transnistria” – the region between the Dniester and the Southern Bug rivers that was occupied by Romania during the Second World War.

  • “Holocaust as Remembered by Generations” Exhibition 3-8 October 2015

    From December 17, 2015 and on Sholom Aleichem Museum in Kyiv is hosting an exhibition “Holocaust as Remembered by Generations”, organized under the support of the German Embassy in Ukraine and the Jewish Foundation in Ukraine. The exhibition shows art works by participants of the All-Ukrainian Competition of Students’ Research and Art Works “History and Lessons of the Holocaust” held annually by Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies.

  • The 8th annual round-table discussion "Holocaust Commemoration and the Ukrainian Society: Research and Educational Aspects"

    We take the pleasure of inviting you to the 8th annual round-table discussion "Holocaust Commemoration and the Ukrainian Society: Research and Educational Aspects" to take place on 27 January 2015 in Kyiv on the initiative of Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, Goethe-Institut Ukraine and in partnership with the Embassy of the State of Israel in Ukraine. The discussion aims at fostering exchange on historical memory about the events of the Holocaust and producing recommendations for teaching about this topic in Ukraine. Among the questions to be discussed are: perspectives and challenges for Holocaust studies in Ukraine today, approaches and issues of teaching about the Holocaust, historical memory about, ways of combating modern anti-Semitism and xenophobia etc.

  • International Holocaust Remembrance Day

    According to Resolution 60/7 of the UN General Assembly, January 27 is marked as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. On January 27, 2014 Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Goethe-Institut Ukraine and the Embassy of the State of Israel to Ukraine held the 7th Annual Round Table Discussion “Ukrainian Society and
    Memory about the Holocaust: Research and Educational Aspects”.

  • "The Holocaust as Perceived by Ukrainian Students" - an Exhibition of School-Students' Art Works Devoted to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day

    The Memorial Complex "National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" hosts since 24 January an unusual exhibition prepared by Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and Babi Yar Civic Committee. The exhibition presents a collection of art works from participants of the all-Ukrainian competition of students' research and art works "History and Lessons of the Holocaust". It will be available in the Museum during January-February 2014. Previously it was hosted by Sholem Aleichem Museum in Kyiv.


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