
“Hitler´s Furies. German Women in the Nazi Killing fields”

insidethegatesThe Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies published an Ukrainian edition of Holocaust scholar Wendy Lower´s Book “Hitler´s Furies. German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields”.

The book deals with the role of German women during the time of the Third Reich and their participation in the Nazi Genocide. Using the biography of thirteen women as an example, the author examines how their professional or private relations led them to contemplation or even participation in the commission of crimes. The book catches the interest of Ukrainian readers, as eight of the thirteen women were closely involved in the occupation of Ukraine.

Translation: Viktoria Ivanenko

Scientific editing: Nadiya Ufimtseva

The project of publication was supported by the book translation program of the Ukrainian press and Education and Culture Section of the US Embassy of Ukraine.

[Download in Ukrainian]

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