
“One Stone, One Life: 80 Stumbling Stones for Kyiv”. The Project Continues

insidethegatesThe project One Stone, One Life: 80 Stumbling Stones for Kyiv was launched in 2021 and was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Babyn Yar tragedy. The project honours the memory of people whose fate was connected to Babyn Yar, i.e. those who were killed or persecuted by the Nazi regime from 1941 to 1943.

The Stumbling Stones project:

In 2021, they were installed in Kyiv (Podil, Independence Square, Olympic Stadium, Kyiv Conservatory, KPI).

The goal is to perpetuate the memory of the victims of Nazism through the installation of memorial stones.

The research team gathered biographies of 10 individuals whose memories have been immortalized.

Achievements (December 2024–February 2025):
      ● The website was updated, and biographies were edited and supplemented.
      ● Materials about key events of the project were published.
      ● Maintenance began on the previously installed stones.

Plan for the future:
      ● Involvement of school groups in the work on new biographies.
      ● Organizing educational events, conducting training sessions, and installing additional stones.
      ● Developing interactive IWalk routes.

The project was implemented with the support of the Kyiv City State Administration, the Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies, the Space of Tolerance, and the German Embassy in Kyiv.

[More information about the project in Ukrainian]

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