The Zentrum fur Zeithistorische Forschung (ZZF) у Потсдамі Німеччина, запрошує подавати заявки на дослідницький грант.
Young Eastern European Fellowship
to study German and European History in the 20th century. This six- months fellowship will provide young scholars from East Central Europe and the former Soviet Union with an opportunity to pursue individual research while participating in the academic life of one of Germany's major historical research centres.
The ZZF covers a broad scope of Contemporary European History with five research departments:
1. Communism and Society
2. Economic and Social Change during the Twentieth Century
3. Changing Concepts of the Political
4. Regimes of the Social Sphere: Mobilisation, Welfare State, and
Rationalisation during the 20th Century 5. Contemporary History of
Media and Information Societies
The ZZF library holds approx. 75,000 items and subscribes to more than 100 periodicals. Since January 2009 the ZZF is a full member of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (WGL).
Applicants must have at least postdoctoral status with a significant academic record. They are expected to pursue their own research. However applicants whose interests relate to projects of the major research groups at the ZZF will be preferred. Further details on the research areas at the ZZF can be found Fellowship holders will be assigned to a research group and asked to present their current project in a seminar or colloquium.
The monthly fellowship rate for the Young Eastern European Fellowship will be EUR 2,500. The funding is supposed to cover all expenses including housing and insurance. Fellows are expected to reside in Berlin or Potsdam for six consecutive months between April and December 2012. The ZZF will provide office space and other relevant facilities.
The application deadline is January 16, 2012. Decisions will be announced not later than February 29, 2012. Applications must include
- a letter of interest;
- a curriculum vitae (including a list of publications);
- a project proposal not exceeding 1500 words;
- a letter of recommendation.
Please send applications electronically in PDF format to Hanno Hochmuth ( or by mail to:
Hanno Hochmuth - YOUNG EASTERN EUROPEAN FELLOWSHIP - Zentrum fur Zeithistorische Forschung Am Neuen Markt 1 14467 Potsdam Germany
The letter of recommendation should be sent under separate cover. For further questions about the fellowship program please contact Hanno Hochmuth (
Дивитися всіОстанні Новини
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